So it's been a fun couple of weeks of scrapbooking . And you wonder what does scrapbooking have to do with my journey?!? Well there is a silent auction coming up that is being sponsored by a fitness club here in Calgary and we (participants in joint in motion) can donate items to be auctioned off and the money raised for the items I donate, goes directly towards my fundraising goal. So I thought why not incorporate my love for scrapbooking into my journey. So I handmade some awesome journal notebooks and then while scrapbooking with my friends I had yet another great idea. :-) I asked everyone if they would each make a handmade greeting card and I would would put together a box of cards for the auction as well. I was so excited when I recieved 100 cards, so this week I will be assembling the cards into gift boxes to auction off. I thank everyone who made these cards in support of my journey, it was a great way to show your support and I can't wait to put them in the auction. I also received almost $200 in scrapbooking supplies from that will be donated as a silent auction item as well.
I will post pictures of the items going into the auction and those of you that expressed interest in bidding can do so. Please watch for information on when and where you can bid.
I also met so many fellow scrapbookers that are challenged with arthritis as well and it was great to hear their stories and know that I am doing this to make a difference. I even met a lady who's daughter was a part of the joints in motion's team years ago and did her marathon in switzerland on behalf of your mom who has arthritis.
So it's been a great couple of weeks and I appreciate all the donations and emails of support.
My goal is to reach 20% of my fundraising goal by the end of May !!!
Enjoy your day everyone !!!!
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