Oh my what a week !!!! Thank goodness tomorrow is a rest day...lol cause I'm going to need it for sure !!! Bootcamps Tues and Wed and tonight I did 2 hours in back to back classes. Not sure it wasn't the smartest thing I've done but hopefully after a rest day, Saturday training won't feel so bad. :-S
I'm alittle frustrated with my weight, although everyone keeps telling me I'm looking awesome the scale hasn't moved for 2 weeks ...grrrrr !!! I know stay off the scale but I can't, I'm so close to reaching a huge milestone, a weight that I haven't weighed for over 10 years.
Tonight at bootcamp Global was there to interview our group and take one of our training sessions so it looks like I might get my 5 minutes of fame..lol !! I have to say though, I totally suck at TV interviews, I was so nervous I honestly didn't even know how to answer her questions...lol !!! I had just finished one hour of bootcamp and was getting ready for the second hour so I was this big sweaty mess...lol Tomorrow night at 5:00pm should be interesting..lol !!! YIKES !! Please no comments..lol (Just kidding)
Great news about our "Treasure Island" event... we managed to get 2 westjet tickets for anywhere westjet flies as one of our doorprizes ... so get your tickets for the event it's going to be awesome !!!
Well, I am completely exhausted and alittle sore (hopefully the advil kicks in soon) but needed to share the day !!!
WIsh I could see the Calgary news Jody. It sounds like you are doing great, you are such an inspiration!