Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Good and the Bad !!!

Wow .. what a great time !!! The "Treasure Island" fundraising event was a great time !! We didn't have as many guests as we were hoping but none the less the people that were there had a fabulous time. The food and entertainment were amazing. We don't have all the accounting done yet but I'm hoping that I will be able to say that my fundraising is done once it's finished.
Thank you to everyone that bought tickets and supported the event. I'm hoping to have some pictures up soon. Congrats to Deanna Kowalski!!! Yes my sister drove 2 hours to attend the event and she won the westjet tickets for 2. Thankfully I didn't draw the winning ticket cause that would have looked alittle !!! I was very excited for her !!!

Stay tuned for pictures and the amount we raised for the Arthritis Society !!!!

As far as training, well lets just say I've suffered another set back. All the pain I've been having in foot has come to a head and I had to go for an xray. Have to wait to hear if we are dealing with a stress fracture in the top of my foot or some serious inflammation in the tendons. Either way I am off all weight bearing exercises !!!
So it's off to the pool for workouts and running. Who knew you could do a running program in the pool !!! I'm sure my body will be much happier but holy man, I thought running outside was boring???? this has that beat for boredom.. lol !! But I will do what ever I have to do to get my training in .

As luck would have it, I just registered for a 1/2 marathon in Aug in Edmonton. I figured I should tackle a 1/2 marathon before the full in Oct !!! So cross your fingers and toes for me that this injury is shorted lived !!!

Thanks again everyone for all your support !!!!

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