Monday, September 26, 2011

What's been happening ....

Wow, I'm not even sure where to start. Hind sight I should have just kept blogging cause it's been a crazy 11 months since my marathon. So this could be a long entry. :-) I wish I could say it's been an easy last 11 months but it hasn't. My arthritis has be challenging to deal with. After my marathon I went for a followup appointment with my Rhumetologist and found out that I now have Osteoarthritis in my right hip as well and that my left hip is now considered severe. I've since had another injection in my hip to help with the pain but these days I constantly sound like a twig on a tree branch as my hip snaps each time I take a step or go from sitting to standing. Early in the year I experienced an episode of iritis, which is kinda like a flare up of arthritis of the eye. I had temporary vision loss for almost 2 months before they could get it under control. Since then my Rhumetologist and my opthamologist felt it would be helpful for me to change some of my meds. So I don't do the weekly Enbrel injections anymore, instead I have Remicade infusions every 6 weeks. I just started them this summer and with the transition of coming off the other meds, I've had to deal with some flareups. Most of the pain and swelling is in my hands and wrists and there are days I can barely move my arms away from my body. I kinda forgot what the pain was like since it's been a few years since I've experienced a flare up of the psoriatic arthritis. I did do a local half marathon in April, it was no personal best but it was still a great feeling to be able to finish. With flareups and transition of meds my exercise program has been modified which means my challenge with weight loss and even maintaining my weight has been just that ... a challenge. This is why it's important for me to have people join "Team Jordan" for the next leg of this journey because if I thought doing the first marathon in Athens was a challenge, this one is going to be even more of a challenge. I will need all the support I can get. :-) Last week it was an honor to be asked by the Arthritis Society to be a guest speaker at their Arthritis Forum and tell my story. I was nervous about getting up there in front of all those people but it was also a great feeling to be able to share my accomplishments. The support I received from family and friends that day was amazing and that is something I will always appreciate. Once the presentation is posted on youtube I will share the link on the blog. If you or someone you love suffers from Arthritis I recommend you visit the website, there is so much new information available via web seminars, open houses and the online community forum. There is a link on the left side of my blog. :-) I hope that everyone will continue to follow this next leg of my journey and support the "Joints in Motion" and "Team Jordan". There are links to the left that will get you to team members' fundraising pages. Every donation matters whether it be big or small, so please help support the Arthritis Soceity and the fight against Arthritis.

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