Friday, November 18, 2011

"Team Jordan" is expanding ...

Well it's a very chilly morning, walking the kids to the bus was enough outside exercise for me, so indoors on the treadmill it will be!! Thank goodness it's Southern Alberta and a chinook will eventually make its way here!! So some exciting news for our Joints in Motion team ... we have a new team mate. Tracy Barthel has decided to join "Team Jordan". Tracy and I went to school and graduated together and she has since been diagnosed with Rhumetoid arthritis. So not only has she decided to be a support for me and keep me motivated as part of "Team Jordan" but this journey is a personal one for her. Being someone personally affected with arthritis this journey takes on a whole new meaning. So as a team we will raise money for the arthritis society,an organization that we are passionate about. Individually we are required to raise $6800 so our team goal right now is $20,400. I've posted a team fundraising thermometer here so you can watch as we reach our goal. So when I started this journey, it was me and gathering a support system that would be there for me and get me across the finish line,so "Team Jordan" seemed appropriate. Now that I have a team mate that also has arthritis it's not just about me anymore, it's about Tracy too and supporting her through challenges she may experience while training. So I'd like to come up with a new team name that represents everyone on team. So post any suggestions you might have, we would love to hear them. So help us reach our goal, any contribution is greatly appreciated. Maybe you work for a company that would be interested in donating to an amazing cause that affects our team personally. And if you want to be a part of this amazing experience with us, we'd love to have you as part of the team as well. The more awareness and inpiration we can provide to other people the better. :-) A huge thank you to my teammates DeAnna and Tracy for being a part of this journey that means so much to me!!! Stay warm and stay tuned for upcoming fundraising events ... Thank you for your continued support!! :-)

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