Thursday, November 24, 2011

This and That . . .

Today I attended an information session for "Patient Matters". It's an organization that is engaging patients as collaborators to improve osteoarthritis care in Alberta. It's an initiative that is going to train patients to do research and report our findings. It's about a 2 year process and I'm excited to be a part of it. They are looking for other individuals to join the panel; so if you're interested in becoming a part of this innovative initiative that is going to change the Patient Care within Alberta's Healthcare system, you can contact Dr. Svetlana Shklarov at The project is hoping to get underway in the new year and I am excited to be a part of it. Well the Arth-Kickers are super excited about our website that we are creating. It will be a place where all the members will be able to share their experiences for the next year. I am super pumped about the things we are going to be doing. We could potentially have 6 team mates registered and that is an incredible feeling that so many people want to be part of an amazing experience and give back to a cause that means so much to me. You can check out the website it's only in the first stages and will be a work in progress but we would love for you to check it out as we develop it. Lots of places for you to leave comments. :-) It's going to be a warm weekend, good for some walking outdoors. :-)

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