Tuesday, September 27, 2011

This and That ....

I'm counting down the days until my next Remicade infusion, it's 2 weeks away. This flare up is trying to get the best of me but I won't let it. I can barely move my wrists without terrible cramping pain in them, in fact typing this post is proving to be a bit of a challenge. So it's a good think I have 13 months to prepare for this marathon because it's already proving to be an even bigger challenge then the last one. I'm hoping that after we get the dosages figured out for the Remicade I will be well on my way to preparing sooner rather than later. This is why having people as part of "Team Jordan" is so important, just in case I need everyone else to complete the marathon on my behalf. Now that being said I'm pretty sure I am going to have to be in pretty bad shape and ALOT of pain to not participate. But for now it's one day at a time. On that note I do have a couple more people that are considering joining the team, so that is awesome news. A friend in Ontario is even considering, so it doesn't matter where you live and which Province you are teamed up with, you can still be a part of "Team Jordan" for the big day!! I have been able to walk and pick my kids up for school so that's 2km there and back. I also mapped out the distance around our acreage and it's about a quarter of a km, so I plan to do alot of laps along the fence line. :-) I'm sure the neighbors will wonder what the new girl on the block is doing and think that I flipped my lid ... but that's okay !! :-) Here are a few pictures from the Arthritis forum I spoke at. I'm still waiting for the youtube video to come out so I can post that. I was trying to post a copy of the notes I wrote for the forum but I'm not sure how to attach them to a post...hmmm see if I can figure it out.
Me at the Podium during my presentation.
Another group photo of all the presenters
Me again!


  1. Go Jody Go!!! I have been thinking of you!

  2. Aww thanks !!! I'm gonna miss our walks this time around !! :-(
