Friday, May 15, 2009

Wow !

Trying to figure out a start point and it appears I need to learn to run before I can train for a 1/2 For those of you that know me...well you know
that I have no patience and I really just want to be able to run a 1/2 marathon by next How is that for high expectations for
So I have had a couple of recommendations from friends on learning to run programs and that is where I am going to start. The funny thing is, the programs all start with walking, oiii here we go again, now I have to learn to walk before I can learn to run. Good news I don't have to start right from the beginning cause guess what..I at least know who to walk. So it all begins with learning to walk faster (a brisk walk and power walking). So here we go !!!

The other "wow" part of this week is the kickstart to the fundraising I need to do for the Arthritis Society. Thank you so much to those that have already donated, you have helped me surpass the 10% mark and it's an awesome feeling.

Also thank you for the emails of encouragement, they always brighten my day. :-)

Well I'm off to go for a WALK...I'll let you know when I hit the RUNNING

Have a great Day !!!

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